This Recipe is very similar to my other recipes, but with a few tweaks to make it work!:
8 eggs
2 Cups - Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (or your choice of unsweetened non dairy milk)
2 TBLSP - Olive Oil (Or coconut oil)
2 tsp - Pure Vanilla extract
2 tsp - powdered stevia
1 tsp- salt
1 Cup - Organic Oat Flour
1 Cup - Tapioca Flour** (see note below)
Combine all ingredients except for the gluten free flours and mix until well blended. Slowly add in the Oat flour and the Tapioca flour. There will be slight lumps in the batter, just work them out as much as you can without over beating. I kind of just squish them down with my measuring cup as I pour them into the pan. I have two crepe pans going at one time to keep this moving along. Make sure the pans are hot, and if you are using a non-stick pan, you only need to spray oil on it once in the beginning. I pour between 1/4-1/3 cup of batter onto pan and swirl it around, then flip when bubbles are showing and its has slight browning spots on the bottom.
Serve hot & Enjoy!
**The Tapioca Flour gave these crepes a great texture. Very springy and squishy. They held up better than any other gluten free flours I've tried in the past (and I think I've tried them all!!)