This Energy Bite has an amazing texture! And even though it is cocoa, there is also some Peanut Butter in there! Can I get a Woot! Woot! You can't really taste the Peanut Butter in this recipe, but it's sort of just a comfort thing for me, you know? I actually got this recipe from my cute friend Aimee, hope she doesn't mind me sharing because they have become a staple! I actually made these and lost the recipe at least 4 times, and had to keep texting her for the recipe, so I thought it was about time I put it on my blog!
These, like any other Energy Bite, are soo versatile! You can pretty much anything to them as long as you have a good base. The right amount of dry to the right amount of wet. Then add your chunks of what ever floats your boat for any amazing snack to pop in your mouth!

1/2 Cup Oatmeal
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1/3 Cup Honey
1/2 Cup coconut
1/4 Cup Chia Seeds
1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 Cup Dark Chocolate chips or chunks
Add Peanut Butter and Honey to microwavable bowl and heat together for 20 seconds. Add to your mixing bowl with the rest of your ingredients and mix well. Form into small balls and put on wax paper in fridge until chilled. Store in air tight container, and enjoy!!