Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bars

Do you see the first word of this fabulous recipe? Me too! Sooooooo good. I got this recipe from a friend Jen that posted on facebook and had to try it out! And of course it turned out wonderful! They have a gooey texture which really makes them taste like cookie dough. Who doesn't want cookie dough every day for a healthy pick me up? Just remember just because they are a healthy protein bar doesn't mean they are fat free or calorie free :) They are just like the ones you would buy at the store (but taste much better) and have no additive crap, but guess what, peanut butter has calories, so does honey, so does whey protein. So treat it as one of your "six small meals a day" or eat half before you work out. They are to die for! Thanks again Jen!!!
2 1/2 Cups Peanut Butter ( I use half crunchy, half creamy)

2 Cups Agave Nectar or Honey (I use half and half)

2 1/4 Cups Chocolate Whey Protein ( I use Whey Iso)

1/4 Cup All Bran cereal or Wheaties (blended)

3 1/4 Cups Oats (blended)

2 Tblsp flaxseed meal

Mix the peanut butter, honey & Agava first, then add in your flaxseed meal and why protein and mix well.  Then add in your oats and cereal and mix with big muscles or a Kitchen Aid because it's HARD! Spray cookie pan with pam spray and spread it out smooth. Refrigerate for a couple hours until it's not sooo gooey then cut into bars. I froze half, and kept the other half in the refrigerater in an air tight tupperware so they don't go bad. Sooo Yummy!

Nutrition Info: 1 Bar (Approximately)

Calories- 224

Sugar -25

Protein - 8.5

Carbs - 23

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